Hello everyone, I am certain many of you thought our blog and perhaps even our business for the matter since we haven't posted in so long. Well, it's a long story but I will be as brief as possible. I and one of my subcontractors were leaving a kitchen we had just completed and came out beautiful. We went to the 14th street station to catch the train which was about 4:30 and rush hour. While standing there people were pushing and shoving which is normal except there was a mother with two other children just running a muck while she attempted to hold a cell phone conversation underground inching her way towards the gate for better reception. However, in the meantime someone hit the carriage and it fell off the platform onto the track. The man next to me was a mailman and asked me if I would help him get the carriage and child out. He was quite tall and sat on the platform and lowered himself down while I thought I was still 20 years of age and jumped down planning to land in the gravel, only "The Luck of the Irish" my right foot landed on the iron track fracturing my calcanius in Severn (7) areas and left dozens of small bone particles. This incident kept me hospitalized for 3 months and hoping to be done with physical therapy within two (2) years. In a way this was a blessing because I had my manager handle all the day to day work and as you notice we not only now offer more services we are ranked #1 on GOOGLE!!!! Please take a moment and visit our website.pdqassemblyanddesign.com with the PDQ standing for Pretty Damn Quick.
I am going to try to post several listings to make up for lost time so be sure to check back.